
For hours I stressed the people behind the reception desk in my hotel, yesterday.
I NEED a bicycle shop!
No way to find one.
Apparently there are no cyclists in this town. Somehow I could understand this. The roads are so steep over here, that you could get disgusted in cycling for the rest of your life.
The  Croatian yellow pages show only three shops in all Croatia: All are in cities I already left behind me.
No result on Internet either.
So I go downtown. Maybe I can find some cyclists who could help me.
The only ones I find are Hungarians!
But, they can help: Apparently there is a “Tommy’s bike shop” Up to me to find where it is.

Today, I start again, the poor lady at the reception desk doesn’t stop calling around, until finally her smiling face says: YES

But! But she did not really find a “Tommy’s bike shop” She found Tommy! He is the parking guardian from a supermarket! Wow! Nevertheless, I go there straight away. I find the guardian. It is not Tommy.
Tommy is on Holiday, and his real name is Tonci Kera. After some discussions I have his private address.

Tommy lives in an old building from the communist era.
And he repairs bicycles in his backyard.
And he repairs my broken spoke.
And he also repairs my broken bag by putting a beautiful big screw through it.

I leave Dubrovnik. Two hours later I enter Montenegro.

Much less tourists, although the country is as nice, even better perhaps. Here I can see the first real beaches, while in Croatia  people were sunbathing mostly on rocks.

Tomorrow: Albania


Tommys bike shop web.jpgTommy's bike shop

Leaving D. crop.jpgLeaving Dubrovnnik

Dubrovnik42 web.jpgJust for the pleasure of the eyes: Last view of Dubrocnik