
Many people, on different levels contributed to the research when I had disappeared.

Here I want to thank the principal actors of my liberation:

First of all, my beloved wife Patrice, who tirelessly fought for days to activate the search, especially with our administration.  She tried every possible way to find me and did not neglect the slightest trace.

Then I thank from the bottom of my heart:


Mr Jean Asselborn, our Minister for foreign affairs, and his team  from the ministry.

Mr. Raoul Faber and his colleagues from police Redange; they were Patrice’s first contact.

M. Mais from the police judiciaire; hi contacted Interpol, and found out where my cell phone was last switched on.

M. Sébastien Néré, from DHL Luxembourg. He took the initiative to contact DHL Syria to search after me.

Marie-Claire Samaha, who started research via Internet, Facebook, and my Web Site. She also used her contacts in Lebanon to look after me.

Mrs Asa Hoffmann and Mr Marc Hofmann, chairman of Cargolux.

M. Ulrich Ogiermann, president of Cargolux, who contacted his representatives in Lebanon, to search for me.

My sister-in-law, who contacted the Luxembourgish Red Cross, to look after me, but in vain.

All my friends who supported my family during these difficult days.


My son Cédric, who via Internet and Facebook, contacted my friends in Lebanon.


M. Naji Kalpakji, our consul in Damas. He was not informed about my fate, but after my release, he did all he could to ensure my safety in Syria. He had his driver to bring me to the Syrian border.

M. Arnt Kennis, from the Belgian embassy, whom our government contacted for help.

DHL Syria, who actively searched for me.

My friends in Syria, whose names, for safety reasons, I cannot mention here.


Mr Jacques Raphaël, our consul in Beirut, whose contacts probably led to my liberation. He also gave me most details of what really had happened.

Maxime Chaya, my friend, who, from Beirut contacted our consulate, even before our ministry did so!  He also arranged my safety in Lebanon, where Syrian secret services still have a strong presence. All the friends and family member from Maxime, who offered me help and hospitality.

HassanZayat, my new friend in Beiruth, who searched for me via his Syrian contacts.

Colonel Pierre Saleh, from the Lebanese army, who on order of the Lebanese Minister of Interior, was personally in charge of my security in Lebanon.

Aziz El-Hachach, who, together with DHL Lebanon, organized the repatriation of my bicycle.


If I forgot somebody, please apologize!

Many thanks to you all!



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