
Since years, I wanted to visit Salt Lake City, the Mormon capital. In 1847, after having been driven far beyond the US boundaries for their religious beliefs, the Mormons arrived here, decided to stay and started building their temples.

As soon as I entered Temple square, two friendly "sisters" greeted me, and offered me a guided tour. All my questions would be welcome, and get an answer. Just what I wanted. So, first one to start: Stop dreaming guys, the Mormons are no more polygamists, since 1880. A few figures. They are some 14 million worldwide, about the same as the Jewish community. Worldwide, they built some 135 temples. In Salt Lake City, they represent some 40% of the population only, but in Utah State, they are some 70% . The founder of the Mormon religion, Joseph Smith, was their first prophet, but his 16 successors were prophets as well, a bit surprising to me, especially as the next prophet is already known, but not a prophet yet. Strange, no? When my questions became embarrassing, the answer was most of the time: I cannot tell you, only God knows the answer. Quite practical, no? Anyway, my two "sisters" were very nice, and rather good looking, so as most of the other dozens of "sisters" in Temple Square. They are all in their early twenties, come from all over the world, and are here for a 18 month missionary work. Most of them are good looking, quite helpfull to attract new customers. As expected, sister Frye (US) wanted to get my address and phone number in Luxembourg, in order a local Missionary could pass at my place and convince me to become a member of their church. Well, I gave her a real name, address and phone number, but not mine.... I wish I could see the face of the one amongst you, when an unexpected guest knocks at his/her door.

The day before, I met Ron, a fellow motorcyclist from SLC. Ron, and his wife Anne travelled the world for a full year already, and are just about to do another great step in their life.They just sold their house and are moving to SF for a new start. Ron dreams of hitting the road again in the future. We hat a good time exchanging travel stories, My bike was in a local garage for service, and Ron was so kind to give me a lift, and show me around in SLC.


Anne and Ron, my new friends from SLC (No, they are not Mormons)


The "Tabernacle" in temple square



Joseph Smith, the first "Prrophet" and founder of the Mormon religion


In the visitor centre

apotres.jpgthe actual prophet and his 12 apostles


The book of Mormon, in all languages


my "sisters"

sisters2.jpgmore sisters


asisters3.jpgand even more sisters